The Gold Family Kids

Friday, February 16, 2007

Breaking News....This Just In

It has just been reporteded, that yes indeed, Marin Sidney Gold ate a vegetable. With some bribing and coaxing from mom and dad, Marin ate 2 entire string beans and 2 mushroom caps. The string beans were eaten Lady and the Tramp style, as you will see below, and the mushroom caps, more as a dessert than as an appetizer, covered in chocolate and sprinkle. Either way though, Marin ate vegetables and the standing arrangement for anyone to get her to eat them in exchange for $50 is now off the table. Marin has even said she can't wait until tomorrow to eat round peas.(Thanks Aunt Jaime and Uncle Tayler for the Pea book that has her looking forward to this great occasion.

As a surprise for eating the vegetables tonight, Marin and daddy went out and purchased Cinderlla 3, and we just can't wait to watch it.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Let it Snow, I mean Freeze

We had our first real brush with winter weather this week. The local schools are closed tomorrow for the third straight day. We had about 6 inches of ice fall and the temp has not gone above 20 degrees in a few days. Hopefully it will start to thaw out in a few days, but they say flurries on Sat night.

Now to what you are lookng for. After a long week long break, here are a number of pictures from playing in the snow and before going outside.

Dressed and ready to go to Temple last Friday night.

Why did daddy wake me. And why did he then take a picture of me streching?

Marin helping out Riley.

Now it is time to get ready to go play in the snow.

We made it outside.

Making Snow Angels.

Marin and Daddy sleding out of control.

Flat Stanley's cousin, Flat Snowy.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Catch up - Mason and the girls

Here are a few pics from the last few days.

Riley and Mason hanging out.

Mason and Uncle Tayler at Sandy and Adam's house

Hunter and Tayler feeding the kids

The girls going to bed

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Cousin Mason Comes to Visit

Aunt Jaime, Uncle Tayler and Cousin Mason came to visit. Here is the first set of pictures from their stay. More will be added.

Mason pulling Marin's hair.